Looking for a top that's got the looks and the feels? ROXY's Brami Solid Halter Top is here to save your fashion day. Crafted from a soft ribbed nylon-elastane blend, this fitted top is all about that V-neckline and those halter tie straps that add a dash of oomph. It's the kind of top that'll make you feel like a million bucks.
Topy Roxy Good Keepsake | JFVG-60391
Topy Roxy Cool Winds Woven Woven | ZUXE-94712
Topy Roxy Kick Back Washed Corduroy Long Sleeve | MYWQ-71083
Topy Roxy Heart Into It | XZOF-95637
Topy Roxy Retro Surf Bez Rukávů Muscle | HGWO-09623
Topy Roxy Roxify Bez Rukávů Muscle | GXAT-12569
Topy Roxy Heart Into It | SPVH-16297
Topy Roxy Let It Go Corduroy Long Sleeve | FKWX-19580